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And Breathe - Contractions

Updated: Apr 23, 2020


And breathe,

we are all holding our collective breaths. Every day is different and yet monotony has begun to set in. Time feels as if it has expanded and simultaneously lapsed on itself. Friday and Monday have the same hazed feel to it, foggy, we murmur out loud to ourselves "Someday.... what day? one day."

There is fear here in the small moments between breath. I can feel it when my chest constricts for no reason. The background mood is still dimly lit with what was "normal" but even that begins to fade.

We are mid contraction . . .

When giving birth, 60-90 seconds feel like eternity and the small periods of relief between contractions is where hope is born, you continue to work through the contractions and find peace in the space between each one.

Most journeys of internal growth feel akin to a contraction, periods of intense discomfort a little release and then back to discomfort you are pushing closer to the end result, for what arrives at the end of this internal contraction is transformation, birth, release.

So breathe, give yourself over to the feelings of helplessness and breathe. This is bigger than you or I, we are not in control here... so let go... grace is coming. Allow the contractions of facing this weird, strange, new normal to wash over you. Scream and roar if it helps. but breathe.

Kache Knowles mantra conjures the sense of beauty & terror in each moment. Face them both the beauty and the terror, they both have gifts to offer...

I am not sure what will be born of this time that we are currently living in. Such strong contractions like the ones we are currently experiencing open many pathways, there is so much at work within us and around us. At times we can feel swallowed up by the vastness of the unknown and the monotony of the ground hog day phenomenon that we are currently experiencing.

Grace is waiting for you in the spaces between each breath. Sit with it, and breathe..

All the Energies, Moods, and emotions.

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